SRH Hochschule in Nordrhein-Westfalen

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  • The Campus

    Living in Münster Leisure time in Münster Your university team In the north of Germany Münster Münster is one of the most renowned and oldest university cities in existence. There are approximately 66 [...] Specials Specials Why Münster makes the difference Münster is considered a globally recognized university and educational center and is valued as a renowned research location. Münster is one of the most [...] only your professional competencies, but also your soft skills. Digitized For 15 years, the SRH University of Applied Sciences has been digitally outstanding. You will benefit from the numerous opportunities

  • Campus Münster

    Münsterland at the new SRH Campus Münster In the middle of THE university town. The SRH Campus Münster is the third campus of the SRH University of Applied Sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the north [...] the Peace of Westphalia"? We are there! We are there! Münster - The university town Münster is considered a globally recognized university and educational center and is valued as a renowned research location [...] north of Germany Münster Münster is one of the most renowned and oldest university cities in existence. There are approximately 66,000 students per more than 315,000 inhabitants. In addition to attractive courses

  • Campus Rhineland

    SRH and thereby combines various educational offers, know-how and competences of individual SRH universities at one study location for a broad and interdisciplinary educational spectrum. Students at Campus [...] quality and the best-of the SRH product portfolio. The Campus Rheinland functions as a lively, university-like location that supports activating teaching, learning and working. Cooperations Our partners